6 Medieval-Gonzo Demon Kings

All of these demons possess an animal or a person, and have a true form that’s intangible and invisible, present only after their host has been killed. Their true form can only be seen by magic-users with wizard vision, and can't be killed or affect reality without possessing another host. 

1. The False Orc, Boar Priest, The Camel King, King Swinniginn, The Old God of Adversity

A diminutive orc mockingly donning the arch priestess of St. Terragnis' robes. The False Orc mimics the posture of a priest, satirically spewing blasphemy against the Shadowdark Gods as he wanders across Boar Valley. He rides atop a camel covered in thick dust, flora invasively sprouting from underneath its hooves. Bestows bad luck on his followers' enemies.

AC 12, HP 39, ATK 3 scepter +4 (1d8) or 1 spell +4, MV near, S +4, D +0, C +2, I +1, W +4, Ch +0, AL C, LV 7

Blind (WIS Spell). DC 12. All in near are blinded for 1d4 rounds.

Snuff (WIS Spell). DC 12. Extinguish all light sources (even magical) within near.

Possessing an orc fetus.

True form is a symmetrical, castle-sized, floating cross of melting flesh and fur. Long hairs grow down from the cross like tentacles and brush against the ground.

2. Pantheross, The Many-Swallowed, Backwards Jack, King Black Horns, The Old God of Request

A corpse-like humanoid, extremities bent at wrong angles, slick with greasy fur. Sinister faces, licking their plump lips and drooling, emerge from the corners of his body. He's a quest giver, providing the location of powerful relics but demanding they be returned to him. Those who disobey are targeted by his two gargoyles, smiling deliciously. Pantheross stands perfectly still in the clearings of the Glorwood.

AC 14, HP 37, ATK 3 claw +4 (1d10), MV double near, S +4, D +3, C +0, I +3, W +1, Ch +3, AL C, LV 7

Iron Hide. Half damage from non-magical weapons.

Possessing a human beggar.

True form is a mobius strip of bestial mouths impossibly consuming each other. 

3. King Lauren, Bauchest, The Trumpet King,  The Terrible Jester, The Old God of Orgy

The sight of the bugbear-faced pangolin blasts thundering trumpets into his viewers' skulls. King Lauren stands as tall as a three-story tower and rampages across Boar Valley. The wake of his destruction is quickly filled with the extremes of sensual experience: feudal wars, free love festivals, and great feasts. Memnon's Discordant Blade sticks in his back, lodged between carapace scales. 

AC 15, HP 40, ATK 2 stomp +7 (2d8 + crush), MV near, S +4, D +1, C +4, I +3, W +2, Ch +2, AL C, LV 8

Crush. DC 15 or target takes 2d8 damage.

Possessing a pangolin.

True form is 600 square tiles covered in red fire, swarming through the air like a school of fish.

4. Sabet, The Midnight Cock, King Rooster, The Witch King, The Old God of Diversion

Always surrounded by a crowd of distracted celebrators. Sabet wears a cloak of orcish skin and a horned goat mask during the day. At night he undresses: a naked human woman with the head of a black chicken. He distracts pilgrims of Madeera on their holy journey from Madonis to Rupture, hosting depraved carnivals full of fire and fetish. 

AC 14, HP 29, ATK 1 unholy torch +4 (1d6 + witchfire), MV near (fly), S +2, D +4, C +2, I +3, W +2, Ch +5, AL C, LV 7

Change Shape. In place of attacks, transform into any similarly-sized humanoid.

Beguile. One humanoid in near DC 15 CHA or bewitched by Sabet for 1d6 hours.

Witchfire. The target takes 1d6 temporary INT damage. A target reduced to 0 INT this way turns into a fur-covered Chaotic beast in 1d10 days.

Possessing a human witch.

True form is a tessalation of Baphomet, shifting like a kaleidoscope.

5. King Blue, Crowned Swallow, The Hungry King, He Who’s Throned, The Old God of Violence

A blue goblin with the skeletal head of a bird and pitch-black eyes wearing a cauldron as a crown. King Blue sits atop a golden throne, delighting in the murder and bloodshed he causes across Babilanaya. Traveling outside the city of Babilan risks encountering the Hungry King, who's description has never been recorded because of his lethality. He cackles and screams in joy at this fact. 

AC 19, HP 76, ATK 4 vase-toed kick +10 (3d10) or 1 spur violence, MV far (teleport), S +5, D +4, C +4, I +5, W +4, Ch +7, AL C, LV 16

Impervious. Only damaged by magical sources.

Cauldron. All hostile spells are reflected at caster with a spell casting check less than 20.

Spur Violence. All targets within near DC 20 CHA or fall under control of King Blue for 1d4 rounds. DC 20 CHA each turn to end the effect.

Possessing a barn swallow.

True form is classically angelic: dove’s wings covering the surface of a wagon-sized sphere.

6. The Hierophant, The Hidden King, King Methuselah, Big Lion, The Old God of Memory

A large cat with the face of a bearded human. The Hierophant has spiraling eyes and sharpened teeth, taloned claws, and stands impossibly tall. The closer you approach him the more infinitely tall he appears. Collects memories. He says he can take a memory in exchange for information of his own. But he'll never hold up his end of the deal. The dealmaker won't even remember there was a deal to begin with.

AC 16, HP 43, ATK 2 talon +7 (2d6 + nerve damage) and 1 spell, MV near, S +4, D +1, C +3, I +2, W +2, Ch +4, AL C, LV 9

Nerve Damage. DC 15 CON or paralyzed 1d4 rounds.

Mind Rip (CHA Spell). DC 14. One target in near takes 3d8 damage.

Hypnotize (CHA Spell). DC 13. Focus. One target in near range who can see the Hierophant is helplessly stupefied for the duration.

Memory Wipe (CHA Spell). DC 12. Hostile spells cast on one target in near are DC 9 for 1d4 rounds.

Possessing a mountain lion.

True form is incomprehensible. It cannot be viewed. But when you look upon “it,” you feel it looking back. It’s true form is the idea and feeling of being seen.

Listened to "Paranoid (Remaster)" by Black Sabbath and "Hotline Miami OST."


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