Witch Asteroid SHAKE UP!

I'm shaking the blog all up! I've been using this site as a way for my players and myself to recap sessions in between weeks. It's definitely mostly a resource for myself to keep track of the characters and world details in a fun, and somewhat aesthetically-pleasing, way. 

BUT but the campaign is over! One of the players from Motherfuckers Prime is running their home-brew world this summer which gives me the opportunity to turn this blog from a session recap archive to a genuine blog (where I post campaign, item, NPC etc. ideas) while I get to play in a campaign instead of run one.

If you, for some reason, read through all of the MFP session notes you'll see the TTRPG system, blog format, and players change around a bit. I started running it using Knave, a bunch of "home-brew," and Mork Borg's vague setting. The earlier blog posts are also copy-pasted from Medium, where I started the recaps. In total we played from the end of January to the end of April. I've since moved to using Shadowdark (which is great!) as my house system, and really want to expand the setting into something much more personal and original. Luckily my players decided to rewrite history during the last session in a very "The Lich"-episodes-from-Adventure-Time way, where I can keep the familiar elements of the world but sculpt it into something new and mine.

Rebuilding the world of Lefort

My plan for the next game, set immediately after the last, is a Saturday-morning-cartoon villain campaign about the secret cabal that has been starting and stopping apocalypses for generations and now doesn't remember how to do their job. I plan on the posts after this one to build that campaign and any interesting ideas I have for it before I actually run it in the Fall.

Listened to "Future Club" by Perturbator.


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