Organ Currency

The Assassin’s Guild; also known as the Masked Assassins of the Mascot Guild, Skin Devils, Brain Eaters, and Ghouls.

AC 15, HP 44, ATK 3 thinsword +8 (1d12) or 2 automatic crossbow (far) +8 (1d8 + poison), MV near (climb, swim), S +4, D +4, C +3, I +4, W +4, Ch +5, AL N, LV 9

Poison. DC 15 CON or target's eyes roll back and it turns on its allies for 1d4 rounds. DC 15 WIS on turn to end effect.

They, and the other cabals of Lefort, have no need for the traditional currency of the gold system. The assassins deal in organs.

1. 1,000g, 1h, Heart

Like gold is trivially assigned massive wealth, so have certain organs. The heart is incredibly valuable because these organs serve multiple purposes. The assassins of the guild go through intense body-modification to make them untraceable and unrecognizable between operations, as well as make organic repairs. 

It’s rumored that some masked assassins have been alive since the guild was created, hundreds of years ago, by using these surgical procedures.

2. 600g, 1s, Stomach

3. 425g, 1nt / 1 t, Nervous Tissue or Thyroid

The nerves of the body and other related nervous tissue is invaluable for repairing dying or damaged assassins, but extracting the tissue is next to impossible without using magic.

4. 300g, 1al, Artifical Lungs

Similar to nervous tissue, removing the lungs would destroy them. No magic-user has ever successfully safely removed lungs. Instead, assassins (or those who hope to deal with assassins) remove the intestines and fashion a new pair of lungs using the intestinal skin, the cell structure being identical between the two.

5. 150g, 1ep, Eyes (Pairs)

A pair of eyes can change the quick description of an assassin evading recognition. “Brown hair, brown eyes?” Well, if their eyes are replaced with green ones then who’s going to question it? 

6. 100g, 1rb, Rare Bones

Intact femurs, hip bones. Intact arm bones and large skull fragments are also useful, but worth as much as a gallbladder or appendix depending on the quality.

7. 75, 1gb, Gallbladder

Assassin-surgeons remaking bodies

8. 50g, 1a, Appendix

9. 25g, 1p, Pancreas

Regenerative, under specific circumstances, although the Assassin’s Guild hasn’t mastered the process yet.

10. 10g, 1l, Liver

With a small piece of a child’s liver another liver can regenerate within a host. The Assassin’s Guild’s mint and treasury grow livers as base currency within Gallows Isle.

Honorable Mentions...

11. Bone Sponge

The inner material of the bone which can be sucked out with precise tools. Not valuable enough to be used as currency, but favored as a food among assassins with how numerous bones are in their target’s bodies, especially when cooked into soup.

12. Skin Grafts

Carefully removing the skin of a target’s face or hands is common. Assassin-surgeons use these grafts for face and hand transplants on assassins between operations. 

13. Bronchi

Another assassin snack. A tough cartilage that’s treated as rations and chewed like jerky.


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